Viral Marketing Trainer Consultant

As a Consultant Trainer specialized in Viral Marketing based in Lyon Bilingual Qualiopi English, I provide you with cutting-edge expertise expertise to propel your digital presence to new heights. new heights.
With extensive experience in digital marketing and the evolution of and the evolution of viral trends, I’m determined to help you reach and exceed your goals. My passion for viral marketing lies in its ability to create a powerful and rapid impact impact in the digital space. My professional background has enabled me to acquire a wide range of skills, from content strategy content strategy to the creation of innovative campaigns, as well as in-depth data analysis to optimize performance. My working method is based on a personalized approach, tailored to to each client and each project. I firmly believe in the importance of understanding your target audience, shaping relevant and captivating content, and using digital platforms strategically to maximize reach and to maximize reach and engagement.My Viral Marketing Trainer content
As a trainer, I’ve had the privilege of accompanying numerous companies and professionals in learning viral marketing strategies and viral marketing strategies and best practices. My training sessions are interactive, informative and focused on real-life case studies, providing my the tools and knowledge they need to excel in this ever-changing excel in this ever-changing world. I’m convinced that viral marketing is not simply a question of momentary momentary visibility, but rather a way of building lasting lasting relationships with your audience. My ultimate goal is to to help you create meaningful impact, generate conversations and stimulate your business growth through innovative marketing strategies marketing strategies, exploiting all channels (face-to-face, online, mobile). When you work with me, you’ll benefit from tailor-made support, in-depth digital marketing expertise and an unwavering passion passion to help you shine in the digital ecosystem.Viral Marketing in two words
Viral marketing is an online marketing strategy where engaging and entertaining content is created with the intention of see it widely shared on the Internet. For example, a business could post a funny video on its YouTube page; this is then shared by Internet users by email, by blogs, on Twitter and on Facebook.
Viral marketing can have several different objectives like increase brand awareness or increase sales. he can also take many forms: videos, images, memes (sentence or an image, often humorous, frequently copied and shared on social media), eBooks, articles, lists and more. One of the challenges of viral marketing is that marketers can hardly control which content will go viral and which who will not become one. To succeed in a viral marketing campaign, one must use the right social media platforms to reach the greatest number of users and increase shares. It can also be effective to call on people with a high number of followers on social media. Well-executed viral marketing can be very profitable because the Content is distributed by the audience rather than the creator. For example, a popular YouTube video can get thousands or millions of views viewings. This connection with such a huge audience would cost a considerable sum in a more traditional medium like television.This marketing approach has many advantages:
simple and quick to implement: no need for a monstrous budget to launch a viral campaign. What’s more, since the explosion of social networks. limited cost: you will target a certain number of consumers who will themselves transmit to other prospects without intervention – and therefore at no additional cost – on your part. The budget is that of a simple campaign. It can just be a post on your page. business on a well-defined social network. You thus touch your subscribers who will be responsible for transmitting to their circles. increased visibility quickly: with the Internet, particularly on networks social, everything spreads in less time than it takes to say it. By touching a well-defined target, you will access well-defined circles more reclusive people. This, in an unlimited way! Imagine a line of dominoes… You just have to touch the first one so that all the others fall. Viral marketing has this same effect: by reaching a single person, you ultimately reach several thousand, who will themselves transmit expansion of the audience reached and acquisition of new prospects: in touching more distant circles via your first circles of prospects, you will get new subscribers. Snowball effect guaranteed!
- Appealing to feelings and emotions
- Avoid direct advertising
- Offer something for free
- Connect viral marketing to your brand
- Reach out to partners and experts in your industry
- Engage celebrities
Place social sharing buttons next to your call to action. If you’re in e-commerce, you can place social sharing buttons on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. next to “Buy”. Add the text “If you like this product, share it with your friends.”
Motivate to buy. Add motivational text to your social buttons, for example, “Ask your friends if this bag will fit your shoes ! ” Give a chance to recommend a product. Once customers have bought something, ask them, “Would you recommend this product product to your friends?” and give two variants: Yes / No. If they don’t If they don’t recommend, ask why and give a few alternatives, then ask for contact information. This will be useful when the reason they don’t recommend is eliminated. Attract with a discount. You can place two call-to-action buttons on different sides of the product. The text of the first will be ” Buy headphones” and the 2ᵉ “Buy three pairs of headphones with a great a great discount” and indicate the percentage discount. But it will be available only if customers share this product with their friends. If they choose three pairs, a pop-up window with share buttons will appear. Give something of value to share. When ordering a product product, you can offer free delivery in the event that a customer share it with friends. You can also offer a discount for the next purchase under the same conditions.Viral Marketing Training Content
Word of mouth: the fundamentals
Transform consumers into actors and influencers Position your communication around buzzDefinition of objectives:
- Visibility
- Traffic
- Image
- Loyalty
- Competitions
- Videos
- Teasing
- Communication
- Participatory or community
- 3D games
- Virtual worlds
- Immersive operations
- Internet as a propaganda and dissemination channel
- Mobile marketing and multimedia operations
- Make a splash on social media and blogs
- Choose the right concept for your campaign
- Choose a technology that corresponds to its image, its product and its goals
- Alternative and multi-channel campaign planning
- Plan a viral marketing operation
Associated risks: anticipate rather than suffer
Skids: Adopt the correct answerOperational visibility:
- Partners
- Sponsorships
- Video sharing
- Professional sites
Definition of the objective:
- Notoriety
- Traffic
- Image
- Loyalty
- Competitions
- Videos
- Teasing
- Participatory or community communication
- 3D games
- Virtual worlds
- Immersive operations
- Internet as an announcement and propagation channel
- Mobile marketing and multimedia operations
- Create buzz on social networks and blogs

My Viral Marketing Trainer FAQ
Viral marketing is a form of marketing that uses social networks social networks to spread a message or product. It It’s a type of word-of-mouth marketing that uses existing social networks to promote a product or service. Viral marketing generally relies on two types of social network online social networks and offline social networks. networks. One way of using viral marketing is to create a video that people want to share. Successful companies such as Nike use viral marketing to increase awareness of their their products. They create video montages featuring athletes and celebrities athletes and celebrities wearing their products, then publish these videos on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. These videos are shared by others and can go can go viral, increasing interest in the product and helping to sell more merchandise. Creating videos and social networking sites is a great way to use viral marketing viral marketing because it’s simple, fast and effective. Another way of using viral marketing is to organize contests or giveaways for customers. One way companies like Coca-Cola to do this is to create limited-edition products such as collectible glasses or souvenir mugs, which that customers can only obtain by entering a contest or winning a gift. contest or by winning a gift. This advertising method works well when prices are limited, exclusive items that customers would otherwise have difficulty obtaining. For example, a Coca-Cola contest offered free Coca-Cola if you could solve a mathematical puzzle before the clock struck zero. struck zero. Solving the math problem got you the free soda, but many people were frustrated that they couldn’t get their get their free drink because the contest ended early. Although it’s advantageous for companies to create viral contests or giveaways because they attract attention, it’s important for them to important to inform customers that contests or giveaways are only temporary are only temporary promotions.
Create relevant, shareable content
The first step in creating a successful viral marketing campaign is to create content that is both relevant and shareable. This means that your content needs to target your audience and be something they’ll want to share with their friends and followers. -
Identify social media influencers
Once you’ve created your content, the next step is to identify the social media influencers who can help you spread your message. These are people with a large following on social media who are likely to be interested in your content. -
Contact social media influencers
When creating a viral marketing campaign, start with your audience. Everyone wants to be heard by the right audience. To start, create an easily shareable pitch that appeals to your target demographic. For example, if you market lawnmowers, create an ad featuring customer testimonials for your product.
The term “viral marketing” refers to a marketing technique that uses social networks to spread a message or product. message or product. It is a type of word-of-mouth marketing using existing social networks to promote a product or service. product or service. Viral marketing generally relies on two types of social networks: online and offline. offline social networks. The word “viral” can be applied to a marketing campaign because it is successful. It means that it spreads quickly and easily easily via word-of-mouth and social networks. A viral viral marketing campaign can be a highly effective way of publicizing a product or service. For example, in 2011, Dove created a video showing a woman taking off her shirt in a changing room. Many women women watched the video and did the same in the privacy of their own their own changing rooms. This proved the effectiveness of the campaign and the number of women who watched it. Women were inspired to to take off their shirts so that other women could see how they looked without make-up. This type of advertising proves that you don’t have to pay top dollar to advertise your brand your brand or product. Honest advertising and word-of-mouth are just as effective as paid advertising. Viral marketing can also be applied to a marketing campaign when its creator uses a social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter. Social media platforms are ideal for share information on new products or promotions that interested interested customers may not know about elsewhere. For example, example, many people discover new restaurants or retail stores retail stores by seeing them advertised on social media platforms platforms like Facebook and Twitter. If you’re advertising a new product new product or store location, you can post photos or videos photos or videos and get reviews from people who have already visited the location. This way, other people will get to know the the business and may even visit it themselves. It’s also also free advertising for you, since you get free publicity free publicity through your posts on social networks. social networks.
The use of viral marketing as a marketing strategy marketing strategy has a number of advantages, including
- It’s an effective way of reaching a large audience quickly.
- It can be a cost-effective way to market a product or service.
- It can help build brand awareness and loyalty.
- It can create buzz around a product or service.
- It can generate word-of-mouth marketing.
There are a few potential limits to the use of viral marketing strategy, including
- There’s no guarantee that your content will go viral.
- It can be difficult to track the results of your viral marketing campaign.
- There is a risk that your content will be shared without your permission.
- There is a risk that your content will be misused or misinterpreted.
- There is a risk of alienating your audience if your content is not relevant or shareable.